Today, I was looking through my photo archive and came across a picture of Antonio, a dropout I met a few years ago while location scouting in Cres, Croatia. As I looked at the photo, I was instantly transported back to that day and all of the memories came flooding back.
Antonio was such a kind and hospitable man, and he welcomed us into his home with open arms. He had been living as a dropout for over two years, and his only companions were his two cats and a white deer. It was such a unique and special experience and one that I will always remember.
Looking at this photo, I am reminded of the importance of being open to new experiences and the beauty of meeting new people. I am grateful to have these photos to look back on and remember him by.
Taking photos is a rewarding practice that allows us to capture and cherish the memories that matter most. Plus, it's a great way to keep track of all the amazing places we've been and the people we've met along the way.
So here's to the importance of documenting your life – may it continue to bring joy and memories for years to come. Do yourself a favour and take pictures of whatever comes your way.
As we jumped ashore from our little boat we had no idea about what or who would cross our path. We, a team of creatives, were location scouting for a new film in Cres, Croatia. And in the middle of the wonderful and by the way, super remote clearing, we ran into Antonio.
He welcomed us with great hospitality and invited us to stay over night. Antonio has been living as a dropout for over two years. His two cats and a white deer are his only companion.